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VR wont turn over



Hi Can any one help my car will not turn over the dash lights come on but it will not turn over any ideas

thanks Alan


New Member
Jul 27, 2005
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Wide Bay, Queensland
Members Ride
VY S2 Berlina
more info, does it try to start? or when you turn the key nothing happens? could be many things, key not making contact etc, check for error codes too, make sure all leads and spark plugs are good


more info

Hi it has been going fine then in the last couple of weeks it simply wont turn over the dash lights come on you can hear the petrol pump kick in but when you turn the key to start it theres nothing sometimes it had come good after a little while but now its dead, thought it was the key so went out and bought a new battery and after a little swearing got the old soldered battery out and put the new one in and still nothing

thanks Alan


more info

Have just replaced the coil pack but it still refuses to turn over lol spark plugs are fine even if they were dead the car would still turn over have checked all the fuses including the engine fuse that connects to the battery it has to be some thing electrical any ideas OH i forgot i can get under it and while the dash lights are on short the starter motor out and the motor will turn over but not start :bang:


Vr wont start strange update

Hi all well i replaced the battery in the key myself and well it still didnt work even spending an hour ripping the soldered parts of the old battery lol and carefully installing the new one and resealing it. So i phoned the Commodore dealer at Laidley and he suggested that while trying to start the car to push the little button on the key ring and that should bypass the emobiliser well that did nothing so ended up towing it over with the Ford lol and the fella came out had a look and said he will have to leave the key in the on position for an hour or two so the emobiliser will turn and reset so i left the car there for two hours. After the time was up i went back and still no go so he said leave it for another hour then he would fax Melbourne for the code and activate the key and to cut a long story short thats what happened but with a strange twist the car now starts but my Passenger door will not unlock my radio wont work and the car will not lock or unlock by using the button on the key and when pointing this out to the dealer he was dumb founded so now my car goes but has other problems he cant explain and i have ordead a key to turn the emobiliser off in the passenger door well which doesent open anymore should the battery die again so who has an idea of whats going on when the other key turns up if the car is still playing up i have to let him know but bet you i will have to pay for them to fix what is there problem:cry: