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Recent content by pattobro

  1. P

    Useless Fact #2974

    lol ill be sure to watch out for killer phones from now on
  2. P

    Any Help? "Trap Speed" on new Police Cars & Disputing Police Fines?

    i was clocked driving my missus car 13 ks over the limit while on my red p's and got away with a slap on the wrist by writing them a letter pretty much suckiung up their ass might not always work but always worth a shot.. if you try dispute it you will be worse off whether you win or loose imo
  3. P

    ricer of the day

    LMAO... "the nicest thing on his car is his factory wheels"
  4. P

    [VT-VX] + VY How to disable Traction Control (ETC)

    Even stupider question coming up but my series 2 vx only has a pwr button do i have traction control?? and what exactly does the pwr button do? does it just hold gears a little longer coz i dont really notice any difference.. thanks :)