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Recent content by wheb

  1. W

    Engine noise. Balancer, lifter, other?

    Hi there thanks for the response, ap Hi there thanks for the response, apologies for delay. About 7500km 15w-40 oil. Took the belt off and wasn't that or pulleys. Had some warmer weather and the ticking has started to disappear much faster after starting to warm up and not even tick at all on...
  2. W

    Engine noise. Balancer, lifter, other?

    Hi there. Will do this next change if car makes it there!
  3. W

    Engine noise. Balancer, lifter, other?

    Sorry I wasn't clear the 400k was referring to my distance driven over the weekend in km. Got it outside this morning and got another vid as requested. Noise is much softer this morning (perhaps due to less echoing being outside). After a couple mins of idle the noise basically disappeared once...
  4. W

    Engine noise. Balancer, lifter, other?

    It was prob 400k driving over the weekend. Hoping if it was an issue that would destroy the engine it would of happened in that time but yeah trying to avoid driving it now it has worsened. Will have a look at the lifter free up! Apologies but how exactly do I rule out rod knock?
  5. W

    Engine noise. Balancer, lifter, other?

    Hey, thanks for the response. I am a noob at internal engine stuff but can follow a video and have done some repairs through researching such as water pumps, pulleys, general services, filter changes, ignition barrels etc. I have some tools and am hoping to catch a mate later this week who has...
  6. W

    Engine noise. Balancer, lifter, other?

    Hey all. Had a slight ticking noise on startup late last week which disappeared pretty quick as engine warmed up. Went on a trip over the weekend and it got a little worse but disappeared (or got much quieter) with a short amount of driving/warming up. Started it tonight and the sound is worse...
  7. W

    VT 2000 door lock issues

    Hi all, sorry for the late bump but figured I would add a final update in case anyone finds it useful in the future. Thanks @Fu Manchu for the suggestions and extra info. Lockdown finally lifted so I was able to get to the wreckers and swap the solenoid out. Has been working perfectly since...
  8. W

    VT 2000 door lock issues

    Hey, thanks for the extra info. Unfortunately my local wreckers are shut with lockdown. I might wait until things reopen and go and see what I can find. Any chance you took a photo of the solenoid? I'll do a bit of googling to find out what I'm looking for but it should be pretty simple to...
  9. W

    VT 2000 door lock issues

    When you say solenoid do you just mean the actuator that attaches to the door latch assembly with the rods? Also what did you mean about the solenoid tops being interchangeable? (Apologies, not super knowledgeable with these things, usually just follow YouTube videos etc). I wasn't aware that...
  10. W

    VT 2000 door lock issues

    Hey thanks! Yeah not wrong, replacing the actuator and handle bracket assembly is gunna cost more than the car is worth! I can still lock/ unlock with the key turning hard. Might have to think about whether it's time to move on, these sorts of issues popping up are becoming more frequent as it's...
  11. W

    VT 2000 door lock issues

    Hey thanks for the info Hey thanks for the info. Looks like I have two problems, lock and actuator. Will buzz Holden for some prices today, unfortunately couldn't really find any aftermarket lock parts/assemblies online. If I can get a cheap actuator I might be better off just replacing that...
  12. W

    VT 2000 door lock issues

    Second update, central has nothing to do with the door lock, separate issue I'm not bothered with atm.
  13. W

    VT 2000 door lock issues

    Just an update in case anyone else ever finds this useful. Pulled the actual handle/locking mechanism out to see if I can work out what's going on or atleast work out how it works. Playing around with the key in the barrel it appears the way it works is the key turns an outer shell. This then...
  14. W

    VT 2000 door lock issues

    Hi all. First of all thanks to everyone that makes this site such a great resource, using old threads I have the door trim off and am looking at the parts involved. The issue: quite a while back every now and then my central locking wouldn't open/close the driver's door (all other work...
  15. W

    New radiator cap: blown hose.

    Thanks for the giggle. Been ok so far although did start a bit sluggish this morning. More headaches incoming.