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  1. Grumpyoldb

    Garage Image

    Just wanting to know how I go about posting an image of my car in My Garage. Have tried a few things but nothing is working.
  2. Grumpyoldb

    2013 Holden Ve ssv z

    Grumpyoldb submitted a new Showcase Item: 2013 Holden Ve ssv z Read more about this showcase item here...
  3. Grumpyoldb

    My Perfect Blue SSV Z Sedan

    Picked it up yesterday.
  4. Grumpyoldb

    6 stacker CD standard in MY13 SSV Z Sedan?

    Would like to know if a 6 stacker CD is standard in the SSV Z? Or is just a single CD?
  5. Grumpyoldb

    New SS-V Z

    Put a deposit down on my new SS-V Z in 'Perfect Blue' yesterday and going into the dealer to finalise it all today. Hope the wait time for delivery isn't to long.