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  1. S

    Vt shuts down after conversion

    I done a shell transfer, i bought a vt s pac supercharged with a bad motor in it, i ripped out the supercharged motor, and put in my stock v6 ecotec, wiring loom, ecu, bcm, and ignition barrel + key, but my engine light is on...itll kick 5 times before it cuts out and goes dead. my old...
  2. S

    Vt commodore

    if i put in another ecu, would it be linked to the bcm or would i have too get that done?
  3. S

    Vt commodore

    okay, so today... i changed the bcm, ecu, key head, again was doing the same thing... and than i tryed changing the loom...and again, nothing :/
  4. S

    Vt commodore

    same key, ecu, bcm, wiring loom, motor... only thing different is the body..
  5. S

    Vt commodore

    Nah I pulled the BCM, ECU wiring loom everything out of my old vt commodore
  6. S

    Vt commodore

    It's the original bcm and ecu out if the same car. :/ what could it be? Cause I'm on my P's :/
  7. S

    ABS, Engine, Traction Control and Airbag Lights

    anyone able to help me? my engine light, ABS and oil light are on aswell as a "serv error" light on my dash, can someone help me?
  8. S

    Vt commodore

    I got a new VT S PACK II, i took out my old BCM, ECU, steering wheel + collom, wiring loom and motor and put it in the s pack, wired it all up and went to fire her up and come accros a problem, The engine, ABS, oil lights have come up... aswell as "SERV ERROR" on my little dash screen...