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  1. CLF_RS-V

    VF S2 or ZB, what to buy

    I've never had or driven a VF - the latest being a VE wagon... I upgraded to a 2019 RS-V ZB 12 months ago and after driving almost 20 different cars (mainly 2x Nissans, 3x Fords, 9x Holdens, 3x Mitsubishi) over the years, the ONLY car it is not as much fun to drive as was my 1974 5lt HQ Premier...
  2. CLF_RS-V

    Matt's ZB RS-V wagon long term review

    Matt - I've been reading your thread since finding it a a few weeks ago & the information that you - and others - have provided have been very helpful to me. I bought an RS-V wagon back in June '23 and have been VERY impressed with it... admittedly, I had been driving a BF Falcon e-gas wagon...