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  1. Z

    The rubber surrounds

    Hi guys, would much appreciate some help. Have a respray sorted and would like to change all the exterior rubber that fades and pits around the back windows etc for the clubby. Full rubber kit is 820 on rare spare and i presume that's EVERYTHING in and out of the car basically? Any cheaper way...
  2. Z


    What difference, benefits, purpose etc etc is their between 5.7" rods and 6" rods on the 5ltr? Cheers
  3. Z

    Is it ignorance or stupidity?

    Bloody young blokes in what is basically a stocko exec. Might have zorst couple of other bolt-ons but nothing significant, their eagerness to race from the lights whenever I pull up to 'em in the ss is mystifying. Been going on since I've had the car and even my mate who rides a gsxr 1000 has...
  4. Z

    The boring stuff

    After much debate I've decided to go the 355 rebuild then in time look at the charger for the clubbie. What I'm looking to know is what peripherals and boring stuff should I be on the look out for to start buying up. Ie, plugs, leads, pumps etc etc Cheers
  5. Z

    Few frothies

    For once I'm not going out to write myself off on xmas eve. But they are flowing atm I must admit so excuse the waffle :whistling Got bored and went down to the local zorst shop today where I walked away with a 2.5k quote! 1k headers( I presume Difillipo for that price) $750 for cats!!! I...
  6. Z

    Radiator/cooling system

    Picked up a VS Clubby last weekend, fantastic condition and reasonably low kms at 125k. Thought I looked over it quite well but after driving it home which was 100kms I did notice the temp never moved over a qtr on the trip home. Haven't given it a second thought till I decided to go for a quick...
  7. Z

    Got questions....need answers!

    Hi guys first time poster here. Before I go to far I know the inevitable, "why not do it to your current ride" will pop up etc etc. My answer is I'm in love with the shape of vs series and always have been and the 5lt sound is pure horn. Not out to break records on the strip, just want a nice...