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  1. H

    Need tips for fitting 19s to a VH

    pooh brown?. i have never heard of sombody having poo that color.
  2. H

    Need tips for fitting 19s to a VH

    These 3 will hopefully give u a laugh before you see mine... after all 19s look soooo bad.
  3. H

    Need tips for fitting 19s to a VH

    "blow it out your ass then". sounds like your the one who needs a tissue.
  4. H

    Need tips for fitting 19s to a VH

    id say that is 6 steps... step 7 is pointless...
  5. H

    Need tips for fitting 19s to a VH

    did i name this thread "Tell me about your opinions on having 19s?"... no. If you cant give me tips on how to put them on, please dont comment.
  6. H

    What model has the best seats?.

    im planning to replace the seats in my VH. im wondering in your opinion what model commodore has the best seats?.
  7. H

    Need tips for fitting 19s to a VH

    i have seen many VHs on sites like street commodores with 19s and they dont look bad at all.
  8. H

    Need tips for fitting 19s to a VH

    im planning in putting 19s on my VH i was wondering has anybody else done this?, and what advice they could give me.
  9. H

    VH SLE Door Trim and Light Mold removal help

    that will help alot. Im sorry i was unclear
  10. H

    VH SLE Door Trim and Light Mold removal help

    i was talking about the silver trim that runs around the out side of the door. Not the inside of the doors
  11. H

    VH SLE Door Trim and Light Mold removal help

    can somebody please tell me how to remove the door trim and the front and back ligh molds from a VH SLE
  12. H

    Wheel help for a VH

    ill go down to the local police station and ill get a definate answer
  13. H

    Wheel help for a VH

    when i read it i didnt really understand it anway, has anybody else had trouble from the police after putting 20s on there car.
  14. H

    Wheel help for a VH

    i read the section 8 on the vic roads website and it didnt really help me at all, plus it is out dated buy almost 8 years and im sure the laws have changed since then.
  15. H

    Wheel help for a VH

    ok that should help. Thank you for that
  16. H

    Wheel help for a VH

    i am currently rebuilding a VH Commodore for a car i can use on my P plates and i found some wheels for it that i actually like, but they are 20 inch, now i was wondering what will i have to do to make them fit and is the any restrictions that stop me from haveing 20inch rims.