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$62,464 seems a bit steep for a VXR


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2013
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VS S2 Calais, VS S2 Exec Wagon, VS S2 Acclaim
General Motors would have to be one of the most arrogant companies in the world, they treat customers with contempt and forget that just a few short years ago that they were on their knees begging for money with the US Government propping them up until they rose from the ashes.

Honestly they should've been left to die by their own sword.

They still haven't learnt as they couldn't make Opel work so they cut them loose to Groupe PSA, Izusu gone and Saab also a casualty. They just keep on buying dead horses and never change the ways these companies operated over the years, then they off load them. Not really good for product image nor a company profile as we are seeing by most of the posts regarding ZB on this forum.

BTW.............. I couldn't agree more with member EYY and his views on how current and past Australian Governments just keep on looking after the rest of the world while sticking the knife into Australia's heartland. Japan for years have looked after it's own prior to the rest of the world. Most Japanese companies produce the very best products for "themselves only" and export their down graded products to the rest of the world while Australia exports the cream to the world and leaves the trash here, seems like there's nothing like shitting in your own back yard first is there ? Lets go back to Mitsubishi and how they sent the best looking vehicles to the States in the 1990's while the ones sitting in their holding yard for Australia were the bland and boring looking ones. GMH did the same with many models, have a look at the VF's that went to Vauxhall in the UK, the Caprices that went to the US and on and on it goes.

One day when Australians actually have a bit of pride in themselves and stop trying to be seen in better eyes by foreign countries we'll be better off for it. Until then we'll always be seen as the toilet of the industrial world.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2013
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VS S2 Calais, VS S2 Exec Wagon, VS S2 Acclaim
Sorry.............accidentally hit the post reply button twice.