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JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2


Tells it like it is.
Aug 15, 2004
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SE Suburbs, Melbourne
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RG Z71 Colorado, 120 Prado , VDJ200, Vantage
The Labor movement across the eastern states seems to be striking a few problems, and not so long after winning two state elections and losing the third.

In Victoria, Andrews hops into bed with the unions, specifically the CFMEU, within days of taking office. Already, it's starting to backfire on him. He deserves every problem he gets. No honest politician would be seen having anything to do with that particular union, but Andrews, a true novice, shows how unfit he is to be a state Premier.

The problem with Andrews is he is not a novice. The guy is a career politician never having any job of consequence out of the political arena.

In Qld, we now find that one of the new Labor ministers has a substantial criminal record. Must have forgotten to mention that when completing his job application for policitician. Of course, he puts it down to his indiscretions whilst an indigenous youth. So, isn't he indigenous any more? Ah well, might as well play the race card - it works for everyone else. And even though he has been sacked as minister, he doesn't have to (and possibly won't) resign.

In NSW, finally, sense has prevailed and the electorate wasn't sucked in by a Labor/Union campaign of complete misrepresentation of facts (ie blatant lies) about Baird's intentions with the poles 'n' wires and re-elected a Coalition government with a substantial majority. Yes, some seats were lost to Labor and the Greens but the 2011 results were never going to be repeated and we actually had a leader who had the courage to go to the polls with an unpopular policy instead of announcing it after the election.

And finally, some heat is being applied to Shorten to start releasing some policies and proving that he actually stands for something. I won't hold my breath waiting for that, though. I doubt he has any or stands for anything except getting into power.

My whole problem with the Labor movement is their unrealistic belief that they can be all things to (most) people without dire financial and by extension quality of life consequences for everybody down the track.


I've been seeing this pop up on FB lately:


I went to the website and the first line is:

To support the Aboriginal communities in Australia to remain in their homelands and on country & enable them to self-determine their own futures

Sadly - for the last 60+ years the taxpayer has been doing exactly that. Unfortunately many inhabitants of said communities have been blowing billions (yes billions) of dollars with no result. For me - the Aboriginal communities have to quit playing the victim card, stand up and enable themselves to determine their own futures. Then I will support them no end. For now, they have been happy to take the money poured into them whilst doing fk all to help themselves. Time for the gravy train to stop.


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Abbott is often criticised for not having any policies during the Gillard/Rudd years, but he did. They may have been simplistic (ie slogans), but they found resonance with the electorate and his government acted upon them immediately after taking office. "Stop the Boats" was a slogan, sure, but it was backed up by a policy that worked, despite frequent criticism then and now.

Where is ANY policy from Shorten? He's had a pretty easy run so far because of Government incompetence, but the next election is now closer than the last and time is running out for him to start coming up with some real direction. At present, just hanging back and letting Abbott and Co shoot themselves in the foot may be fun but the electorate will start to ask question before long. Political commentators are doing it now and the heat will shortly be felt in the Labor Party.

The slogans were nice soundbites for mainstream media and a public whose attention span has been squandered due to mobile technology lol ;). If people get news from a single, particular source, they will naturally buy into whatever line they bare pushing. News Ltd have a viewpoint, as does fairfax. Thing is News Ltd has far higher circulation figures for possibly a variety of reasons, so more will buy into whatever News Ltd is pushing. Lesson is - if you want to win an election, win over news ltd first lol.

I have mixed feelings about 'stopping the boats'. Sure, I'm not overly keen on laying out the welcome mat with the potential of being inundated with millions of refugees we cannot cater for. However what is happening in the detention centres is disgusting. The have been let out private contracts at an exorbitant amount. If it were done publically it'd be cheaper. Like the prisons. I think a middle ground could be to have the off shore detention centres, leave open the possibility for protection visas for boat arrivals, BUT people going through official channels get priority.

I think the best thing for the ALP to do is switch leaders to someone more popular. Following are FB likes for various ALP pollies.....

Bill Shorten - 85k
Tanya Pliberseck - 104k
Penny Wong - 64k

I think Pliberseck has the necessary spark to be a great party leader. Pity though that she isn't too keen in doing it.

I know FB likes aren't an exact science but its interesting to see who the digital generations are interested in following.

"My whole problem with the Labor movement is their unrealistic belief that they can be all things to (most) people without dire financial and by extension quality of life consequences for everybody down the track." - Reaper

Yes, that is a concern I have too. Issue is far worse over at the Greens. They have no concept of Money. One of the reasons why I resigned from the party.

What the ALP could do for new policy (as discussed earlier) - focus on initiatives that don't cost a lot and have maximum impact. Maximum benefit-cost ratio.

As for remote Aboriginal Communities - mixed feelings. Yes they do take up a huge amount of money. However, living in a regional country area, we have seen the repurcussions of moving disparate tribes/clans in together in suburban areas. Safe to say - they keep themselves apart for a reason. They hate each other. Move them in together, all hell breaks loose. Riots. Fighting. Crime. I teach at a High School that is 20% Indigenous and from time to time it raises its head in the school yard. So from this perspective I take the pragmatic view that it isn't the most economic thing to do but it is safer and socially more amenable. Remote communities are happy, and the townspeople are happy. Win-win. Rather than creating an additional issue that then needs to be solved, I rather not create the issue in the first place.


Challenge Accepted
Apr 8, 2013
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Nope, don't see the point of paying for infrastructure not to be built.


Slayer of Stupid Threads
Mar 13, 2007
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Glen Waverley, Victoria
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VE SSV G8 Sportswagon


Nil Bastardo Carborundum
Nov 29, 2007
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Lower Hunter Region NSW
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Haven't posted in a while but came across this and just had to share it.

East West Link: Victorian Government to pay $339 million to East West Link consortium after cancelling contracts - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).
Not quite the billion or so that everyone was whinging about.
Good deal victoria?

C'mon gopher. Surely even you can see the stupidity of paying multi-millions for absolutely nothing? Not sure many Victorians would share your view.

Or do you believe that this sort of rank idiocy is acceptable because it was a Labor government that made the decision to throw buckets of money away like confetti? They DO have a history of doing that sort of thing, after all.


Slayer of Stupid Threads
Mar 13, 2007
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Glen Waverley, Victoria
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VE SSV G8 Sportswagon
Well we can rack this up as two broken promises from Vic ALP.

1. Appears the contract was worth the paper it was written on. Tearing up a piece of paper doesnt mean the contract isnt valid.

2. Not a cent paid. Well, whats the equivalent of 430odd million in cents?

The people who dont want the road built are a) inner city hipsters aka The Greens Voters aka Arts Degree experts who dont need to travel anywhere for work anyway b) people who are being relocated which fair enough would suck and c) rusted on anti road movementeers.

We need public transport here desperately. Underground is the only way to expand in Melbourne. Thats going to take decades. 5 years we couldve borrowed at record low interest rates had a road built to take some short term stress off and offer long term solutions for heavy transport.


Tells it like it is.
Aug 15, 2004
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SE Suburbs, Melbourne
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RG Z71 Colorado, 120 Prado , VDJ200, Vantage
Haven't posted in a while but came across this and just had to share it.

East West Link: Victorian Government to pay $339 million to East West Link consortium after cancelling contracts - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).
Not quite the billion or so that everyone was whinging about.
Good deal victoria?

Paying $339mill not to build a sorely needed piece of infrastructure seems like a epic **** deal to me.

Lets not go into our state governments international reputation being completely trashed :bang:

buuuuuuuuuut tbh. That is slightly more than 51% of the voting public's fault. Every dumb #### that voted for them should hang their heads in shame.


Active Member
Sep 20, 2005
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C'mon gopher. Surely even you can see the stupidity of paying multi-millions for absolutely nothing? Not sure many Victorians would share your view.

Or do you believe that this sort of rank idiocy is acceptable because it was a Labor government that made the decision to throw buckets of money away like confetti? They DO have a history of doing that sort of thing, after all.

I never said it was a good idea
I was merely asking how Victorians felt about it as they were the ones to give this guy the top job knowing before hand he was going to do this


Slayer of Stupid Threads
Mar 13, 2007
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Glen Waverley, Victoria
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VE SSV G8 Sportswagon
I never said it was a good idea
I was merely asking how Victorians felt about it as they were the ones to give this guy the top job knowing before hand he was going to do this

Actually he didnt get majority vote. He wont because the Greens preferenced Labor and the inner city hipsters voted for no freeway.

But for those who were screaming sucess for Public Transport. There is still no plan for rail in this budget so *clap clap*