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  • E:\Images\Camera\201201\201201A0\10012012689.jpg E:\Images\Camera\201201\201201A0\Beaty.jpg E:\Images\Camera\201201\201201A0\Perfect.jpg E:\Images\Camera\201201\201201A0\10012012680.jpg E:\Images\Camera\201201\201201A0\10012012683.jpg E:\Images\Camera\201201\201201A0\10012012687.jpg i spray painted these yesterday!! E:\Images\Camera\201201\201201A0\08012012676.jpg and with it installed!! E:\Images\Camera\201201\201201A0\10012012686.jpg
    hey guys!! just got my new commy last thursday! wrote my other VY off about 2months ago:( but this one is pretty mint! theres heaps of **** i wanna do to it let us know wht u think i should do!! i wanna get a twin xforce 2and a half inch full system exhaust with extractors! set of VE SV6 rims! thge colour is silver so im goin with a blue secondry colour to go with it, this includes: blue lights at pedals and on other side, blue lights through the back air vents, electric spedo which will be blue, blue calipers and blue/white led lights for the front. i also wanna get a ss front bar, get a few dings fixed, im an apprentice panel beater so im learning to do most of the body work myself which is awesome!! and cheap **** ;) il put some photos up soon guys! :)
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