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  • got it now so at least I'm covered. few mods and will be happy until I'm off the p's. then the fun begins. saving for a untouched VE SS wagon then supercharging it.
    wasn't stiring ****, just reading over a past question before I bought the car hadn't read the comments until the other day. just **** me off how judgmental people on this site are. wish It wasn't closed because i was looking on the Vic roads site and I was actually driving it pretty much legally before exemption. you can drive to and from work off an exemption. as I work 6 days a week would mostly have been fine. I'm 27 have 4 kids. It was either the more quiet l67 or a v8. went the under the radar option. by the time I get home after 12hr days at work I wasn't stuffed to send the application away.
    nice work on the supercharged on p plates thread, you trying to stir the pot and get a reaction?
    i woulda just debadged the bitch and forgetton about the excemption
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