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  • Also changed iac valve when it hicups at times it's like the revs go up slightly like its sucking in air then revs go normal have checked for vacume leaks on all vacume hoses even sprayed throttle cleaner on manifold all around looking for leaks nothing it's got me beat cam sensor been checked also ?? All good could it be a cas sensor on its way out I know they usually play up when hot any usually pack it in and stop just like that but I've been told on rare occasions they can play up like this anyone help please cheers any ideas would be much appreciated
    Vs berlina v6 auto slight hiccup on idle when cold also trouble starting at times when warm not as bad but still hicups then stalls also when driving car goes good besides this I've changed plugs leads coils all 3 , dfi module , iac valve , mechanic has checked all sensors cas co2 erg valve sprayed throttle body cleaner on manifold checking for leaks also vacuume hoses all good even deleted data on ecu and remapped in which car goes better nice and smooth & responsive besides this bloody hiccup any one with any ideas I'd appreciate it very frustrating cheers
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