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  • Hey mate, sorry late late reply to your question..I'm not on here much anymore.

    Nah mate, no airbag light, just make sure you disconnect battery and pull the air bag fuse AFTER you do that and put it back in BEFORE you connect battery again. And plug the airbag harness plugs together under the seats obviously. Even if they're unplugged and you connect the battery & fuse nothing will happen anyway mate. Did u end up finding the seats??? I searched forever for red leather and just gave up

    ^^ Just realised you didn't even ask me a question, just a friend request lol..Hopefully you were after the above info anyway. Cheers
    Hey man u know when you took your leather seat (front ones to swap the faded parts) did you get any airbag warning light in your dash. Im trying to get a set of blue ssz leather seats for my car and im just trying to sus out the method of transfer without mucking anything up .

    thanks :)
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