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  • Sweet as champ, NAAF recommended one to me so was seeing how it sounded. Good performance and fuel from it? Cheers
    Hey champ, is that your white vs with 2.5"manta setup on YouTube under frogsta360? If so is that with a certain cat? Cheers
    Will post link very soon in process of setting up, this is taking off really quick lol I've been posting to Perth members all night
    Hey Frog have had a little play with my profile page settings but at work so cant really spend to much time playing around with it ATM.
    Yep. Meme has been changed.
    She has some scary pics floating around the net.
    Something like chinny or something..
    Hey frogsta,

    I just watched the video of your mates Holden rip up that skyline, heaps crazy!
    Just wondering what Holden does he have? I love the sleeper look

    Thanks heaps
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