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  • Hey mate. see if you can borrow a mate with a car, and some jumper cables. place your cars head to head, open bonnets.

    now go his positive to your positive on the batteries.

    then go his earth on the battery to your chassis. find something metal on motor besides alternator.

    Start his car and ask him to hold the revs at around 1500rpm.

    Now go to start your car. If you car starts immediately than you can be 99% sure that your battery is ****ed. Simply replace it. most batteries only last 3-4 years.

    If your car still tries to crank 4 times before it starts one would assume it's these possilbe things.

    A: you have a low battery in your key, and it is not sending a strong enough signal to the immobiliser

    B: your solenoid on the starter motor is stuffed. this can happen if you accidently try and start the car while it is already running.

    C: you have a bad ground from your battery.
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