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Recent content by hothilux

  1. H

    L67 Idler pulley

    can someone tell me which way the flange on the ribbed supercharger idler pulley must face TIA a piccy would be good
  2. H

    VN series 2 main fuse wiring

    Can some one help me with the big red wire that powers the main fuse on a VN series 2 V6, I need to know if it is live all the time or is powered when the ignition is switched on.
  3. H

    [SA] VN series 2 fuse box wiring

    Hi guys, can anyone tell me if the large red wire that powers the main fuse on a vn is live all the time or switched on at ignition? I took the fuse box out of a wreck and have forgotten what is was wired too.