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Recent content by leafspring

  1. L

    VY SS UTE (****house green)

    Was a great day out there KB... Good times and good work mate... At least you were consistant all day... haha.
  2. L

    VY SS UTE (****house green)

    "Tower... Skip bin requesting permission to take off... over"
  3. L

    The Golden Nugget

    different to say the least... the nugget part is right. Looks like it need a tune severly. maybe even a pilot bearing. LOL
  4. L


    Well reading the thread and how his reply came straight after someone asked if he lived... one can only assume that he was saying he doubted he lived.
  5. L


    20 storeys? Westfields is bigger than I thought. I would have thought 10 maybe 12 max. I guess the medical buildings in Urunga Pde must be 10 storeys since they are pretty much half the height of that part of westfields.