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mr calais 5.0
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  • That might be your best bet to start with a complete v8 loom and then you know it's good.. Did you get many parts with the car?
    its all a bit dogy i think as far as i can tell he.s put half of the v8 loom in it its a bit hard to describe i think im going to pull the hole loom out and start agan i got a complete loom of ebay out of a vn v8 dash loom every think
    gday mate i have tryed that but nothing comes up i think the engine light globe my be blown not hooked up or not there the story is i got this car of ebay it was a project it was just a v6 and the guy put the 5ltr in it ive tryed about 6 other computors and thay dont even pulse but as soon as i put my com back in it it pulses and trys to go then it just floods i made up my own tank with a new pump put a presure gage on the line becouse i thought it was the regulatr but thats seems to be working ok one of my mates said it cauld be a sticking reg but i checked it and im at a loss cauld it be my dizzy or still my ecu but surely all 6 of them cant be f===== i dont know mate but its doing my head in
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