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Recent content by nash88

  1. nash88

    boyfriend played with my car

    Hey there, couple of issues, crap move on his behalf doing something he didn't know how to do properly. "Gasket goo" is fine providing you've used the right stuff, paper gaskets supplied with thermostats rarely work when someone has carelessly prepared the sealing area. The area needs to...
  2. nash88

    vibration through brake pedal and front end knock while reversing HELP!

    Surprised this hasn't been mentioned but the bushes in the front lower control arms, quite often wear out and cause a knock identical to what your describing, worth checking out. Dave.
  3. nash88

    Engine Mounts Vs commy

    Hi there, this may or may not help, they are a pain, but if u have or can get your hands on a stubby 15mm spanner, get the ring end on the nut with the spanner as close to the bracket as possible, then use the open end side of the spanner as a leavering point using a pry bar or similiar pry the...