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  • I've done the v6 conversion in my vb ,every thing from a vn fit on from front x member to diff and tank ,give me a yell if you run into problems .No engineers cert required .
    hey alicia sorry didnt make it, my car insurence ran out and i was working till 4- 9 on friday...and landscaping in the moring as well- it just screwed me around, all i could think of was alcohol by the time i got home.
    i'm following that geelong thread, yeah would like to come to one of those meets so i might see ya some time, just got a bit of stuff happning at moment. was newcomb safeway on friday night right?
    the car looks awesome, vl interior trim was a sweet idea. did you buy it as a project car or did it just turn out that way?
    It looks like it's a good little project I'm more of a fan of the VH's but at least it's not rotting away in a paddock (HELP SAVE THE OLDIES), good luck with the future mods!
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