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Reg Sharpie
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  • Most Aussies are sell outs. cry like the pathetic you are you know you sold your children out just like grandpa did, you dont know any better why the country is now full of scumbags. How far behind Europe on the pathetic green energy boat are we?
    • Sad
    Reactions: VSYoot
    Someone had a bad day...
    Reg Sharpie
    Reg Sharpie
    Bad century import some more people
    Martin Ferguson lined its own pockets it stole from every Australian where does the ALP stand on that? Hang the pos
    If a blokes hands are as soft as a babys how can he say hes a tradesman? Hes done sfa for a lot of years theres a lot of those sort of turn outs around these days.
    Why it is ok for the revenue collector to do 180k's isn't speeding dangerous? If I was clocked doing 130k's by an oncoming revenue collector didn't slow down how fast did the revenue collector go by the time he stopped , turned around then caught up to me and fined me?
    Hence why you can all; go and get fucked.
    Have you sold us out enough yet grandpa? How do you propose we get the country back?
    Don't say you didn't see this coming you were fucken told.
    • Like
    Reactions: moveage
    Totally agree, stick it up ‘em. Rich old farts, parents living large with extreme wealth, the last generation of retirees (apart from overpaid public servants)
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