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  • Hay buddy
    Could i get an email address so i send you some photos
    I have lightly bolted the heads back on to the block to save space with no gaskets or pushrods.When you get the engine just remove the heads and give both the heads and block face a good clean for the your new gaskets.Put the pushrods(use the ones i give you only)back,gasket on and then bolt the heads back on.
    My name : Ian Capon
    My adress:
    65 Keystone Lopp
    Secret Harbour
    Rockingham WA 6173

    My bank account info
    Bank: ANZ
    BSB: 016 375
    Account number: 5683 11 119
    Account name: Ian Capon.
    If you have need more questions fell free to ring anytime on: 0449751457
    Cheers Ian.
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