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  • Hello.

    The center screen has blanked out on my vy berline s2 3 x LCD dash.
    It is still green but shows no numbers or letters.
    I need to know the sequence to the service menu so like
    Main menu
    Press up go to turn on
    Press down to turn off
    Press menu button again
    Press up to turn 2 stage unlock on
    Press down to turn 2 stage unlock off
    And so on as I have looked through your posts and cannot find it.
    Also is this issue fixable or is it a bin job. I am contactable on [email protected]
    Thank you.
    Sorry mate,
    The VAG-KKL communicates over OBD2 from what I read, more specifically is ideal for communicating soley to the Audi/VW. It does not have the ability to communicate over ALDL as they are completely different protocols.
    G'day I bought a VAG-KKL cable for $10 from HK and it has a CD with Vag-com on it which is used for Audi/VW and works well .
    I tried OBD2 but it would not connect to my VX Commodore.
    I see above " your VX V6 commodore communiates over ALDL, not OBD2."
    Is there a way I can use this cable ? can I get a ALDL program to run on my laptop using this cable?
    hey mate, ive been keeping a eye out on your website for the release of the cluster program for the past year, wondering how its going and how long till its released? i have 3 drag cars and that program would be so helpful, any chance i could get a testing copy or anything? cheers matt
    No worries, Ill send through a couple names I recommend on ebay. Shouldnt go wrong that wise or be majorly ripped off. And yes, a tech2 can reprogram the clusters airbag config from a loop 6, to loop 4.
    Yeah I'm thinking I just get a calais one series two , if you could indicate on a good seller that would be awsome , the airbags module has 4 on it the calais usually have 6 can that be changed via a tech 2 ? Thanks daniel
    I dont recommend purchasing one of the units on ebay with 0kms on it, only because the people that are doing it literally have no idea what there doing, and end up corrupting the cluster... just a warning since I deal with many of these broken clusters. I can recommend a couple sellers on ebay since I know they do good work or Iv personally seen to re-configuring the clusters.
    If you like the cluster that your currently looking at, and arent afraid to pull out the original fuel sender for a S1, then yeah I so go ahead! The fuel sender is in the petrol tank, so requires dropping the tank down to full the sender out and replace.. little bit of a hassle.

    Otherwise, I suggest a standard S2 calais cluster that hasnt been modified whatso ever.. just to be safe. Must remember to check the airbag configuration, engine size, transmission ect.
    Thanks mate yeah the vy is definitely series two , should I just buy a vy calais dash series 2 would that be a lot easier to swap ? With 0 kms on it ?
    Or swap the fuel sender is that the whole pump assembly ? Thanks
    Hi Daniel,
    From my findings, all WK clusters are configured to Series1 fuel configuration. You can actually check if your car is Series1 or Series2 two by opening engineering mode and reading out the "petrol ohms".

    On a full tank, series 1 will have roughly 75L and a ohms reading of 250ish
    On empty tank, Series1 will have roughly 4L and a ohms reading of 45ish
    On a full tank, series 2 will have roughly 75L and a ohms reading of 50ish
    On empty tank, Series2 will have roughly 4L and a ohms reading of 250ish

    Hope that helps!
    G'day tazzl
    I've recently purchased a august 03 wk statesman cluster and I want to put it in my October 03 vy 25th anniversary both cars I assume a series 2 but as I read on the thread seems as if the wks just kept the same settings from series one ? Is it possible to get this working in my car or to much work ?
    Thanks in advance ,
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