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  1. John Doe

    How much is 00 VT worth?

    VT '00 price Dood, take a look at Redbook.com.au - this is the guide that car dealers go by when they offer you a rediculous price for your car and you LOL at them. It is also a guide for general car buyers to know what price to pay for any car sold in Australia. Also listed is the price...
  2. John Doe

    8 inch sub

    8 inch subs My brother has two Fusion 8's in his HILUX dual cab - behind the rear seat. Don't know about the specs but the box is made of MDF and is about 1 - 2 inches wide at the top. He runs a Alpine M605 into them (2 ohms) and they absolutely kick ARSE (you can hear him coming). Heaps...
  3. John Doe

    Sub-box design (no this hasn't been posted)

    ... From my experience there are a few factors to take into consideration. 1. is how much volume the subs need to work eg. 1 cu foot etc which ultimately depends on the size of the box. 2. standing waves inside the box that you build (negates the purpose) 3. Whether you want sealed or...
  4. John Doe

    FE2 Vs After market

    Can anyone give their thoughts on FE2 vs Aftermarket suspension??? I have to raise my VX back up to near standard height due to the new body kit I just bought - (trial run and can't get out of the driveway) and the 19's that are coming. I have Pedders suspension in it now which sits at...