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  1. F

    VF sv6 voice prompt

    Thanks I'll do that on the week end
  2. F

    VF sv6 voice prompt

    I have tried that and that is the speed alert and does not fix what I'm talking about. It's currently off. What I am talking about is all the features of sat Nav voice comes on and tells me speed camera ahead or having go traffic zone ahead but there is no sat Nav so I don't know where all...
  3. F

    VF sv6 voice prompt

    hi I recently purchase a vf sv6 this car does not have bult in gps but every time I drive it tells me the speed limat of the road I'm on if I go 5 kms over even while on the phone. Once I got over the speed by 5 kms it says "the speed Limat is 60kmph" while i doing 65 or at shops car park 10kms...