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  1. S

    2006 ve vin locked out

    alright well ive got her booked into the shop and ill go from there
  2. S

    2006 ve vin locked out

    if I'm able to plug the right BCM and ECM into the car will it exit out of the security mode or would i need the original fob as well just wanting to know what sings to look for if i find the right combination and if it meant getting the car running id be happy to pay a grand for it the...
  3. S

    2006 ve vin locked out

    ill look into this option thank you
  4. S

    2006 ve vin locked out

    i don't have the original key fob as the owner bf me lost it and that's where the hole trouble started is there another way to get around not haveing the original key fob if i can figure out witch bcm and ecm is the original
  5. S

    2006 ve vin locked out

    also sorry it was such a late reply i have just gotten home from work and didn't have time yesterday ( Thursday ) to reply
  6. S

    2006 ve vin locked out

    i apologies i didn't realize i forgot to mention this in my original post but i brought the car ( car A ) when it was already in this mode as the owner before me had lost the key he decided to pull apart the key housing ( snaped the metal keeping it on the wheel ) and when i brought the...
  7. S

    2006 ve vin locked out

    i have brought a 2006 ve with a broken key barrel so i swapped out the the key and key housing ecu and the bcm out of a ve that has been written off and the radio is coming up with [security lockout active vehicle data mismatch] with the dash saying [vehicle immobilized refer to owners manual] i...