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  1. CoqVT

    Battery relocation to Boot VK

    Sorry about Jumping threads, ive been researching VT V6 earth points and you said that its the bolts on the driverside engine mount bracket. Is it both bolts? Would you know how to sufficiently connect 0 Gauge wire to improve voltage? Im upgrading my sound system and have been recommended a...
  2. CoqVT

    VY ecotec into VX LS1

    I understand and you’re right about the lunching however, the VX Calais is a roller, and my VY is an exec and won’t sell for $1000
  3. CoqVT

    VY ecotec into VX LS1

    Hey fellas, just wondering what exactly i would need to swap a VY drivetrain into a VX LS1? (Both Sedans) I have a complete VY donor vehicle and was wondering what i would need to swap over from the a VY Exec V6 to a VX Calais LS1. Would it be possible swapping the K-frame from one to the...