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  1. A

    Vz anti theft

    Problem has been sorted I checked all fuses and was just about done then had another look and I must have missed it the ignition switch fuse was gone
  2. A

    Vz anti theft

    My vz won’t show any dash lights or even click over nothing pretty much. I can’t get rid of the lock symbol. Tried locking and unlocking car with key and in the doors tried leaving key in on position for an hour still nothing.
  3. A

    Totally lost!

    I own a vy 2002 ecotec ute I’ve recently had an issue that I can not figure out. Started when I was driving sorta felt like it was starving for fuel stuttering and splattering got home started with the fuel filter new fuel didn’t fix it. Started looking into it more it sort of starts playing up...