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  1. S

    [NSW] [Coffs Harbour] 1997 VS Commodore

    Yep. Just took some then. Kind of hard to get bigger angles because my lane-way is quite tight. Uploaded a few higher res images on a page i just put together CLICK HERE.
  2. S

    [NSW] [Coffs Harbour] 1997 VS Commodore

    Thanks mate. I am selling to buy my sisters Vectra. Although she is getting tired of holding it for me and has someone else lined up to buy it. So if my commodore doesn't sell within the next two weeks then I will end up keeping it.
  3. S

    [NSW] [Coffs Harbour] 1997 VS Commodore

    [Coffs Harbour] 1997 VS Commodore series II ******* LOTS MORE PHOTOS AVAILABLE HERE ******* PRICE: $3,999 o.n.o. ITEM: 1997 Holden Commodore VS series II (Sedan) LOCATION: NSW - Coffs Harbour YEAR/SERIES: 1997 VS series II EXECUTIVE ENGINE: V6 3.8L TRANSMISSION...
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    Only in America

    A bit racist. I think it is more American culture and their blind belief in their constitution rather than anything to do with arming yourself for protection against another race. It wouldn't surprise me that some americans may do that though.
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    I think my wife is having an affair

    haha. Thats a good one mate. I didn't realise you were talking about your car at first :embarrass
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    VS badge on a VR

    I need a new bootlid one. Some little pricks stole the back one, i got it back but they gave me a front one not a rear one. If anyone has a spare front one I am willing to swap otherwise if i sell the car soon someone is welcome to just have it.
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    ABS off light - Error 61

    Sorry i mean not the actual plug that connects to it but the black front part of the abs module - where all the pins are i think the connector itself is alright. I was trying to pull the front black part with the relays and everything in it off the one I got from the wreckers and one of the...
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    ABS off light - Error 61

    Ok I just read another post that some users recommended checking the connector to the abs unit thing - so i did and it appears to be corroded ?. It was so corroded that when i unclipped it and pulled the connector off some of the pins snapped off with it and it looks a big greenish :S ? could...
  9. S

    ABS off light - Error 61

    Ok so i did this this afternoon and it gives the same fault. I even tried leaving one out then switch the one that was left in over and still got the same error (61). The ABS off light doesnt come on straight away only when the car begins to move but it never comes on in reverse for some reason...
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    ABS off light - Error 61

    Thanks heaps mate. I will give this a try this afternoon. Luckily I got a torx-10 screwdriver here :D comes in handy with the xbox ;)
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    61 Pump motor relay circuit fault

    Hi mate, Did you figure this out? I am having the same error...
  12. S

    Update On The $900 Government Pay Out!

    I'm not sure if it has been mentioned but supposedly some may be eligible under 2 categories. i.e. if you are a student and work. I will be putting the money towards paying uni debts, so i will sacrifice the big tv or booze most would be considering ;)
  13. S

    I Know it's not a Commodore...

    Nice car mate. The old man use to own a 64 EH, keep it original
  14. S

    What Model Do You Own

    97 VS - soon to be vectra :)
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    Navman,garman,tom Tom

    The good guys had a great deal on a tomtom over xmas and boxing day the tomtom one V3 for $149 works great for my needs :) Officeworks refused to price match them last month because it is not a current sale price - despite the unit is discontinued, and they have $251 on the v3 and yet the v4...
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    ABS off light - Error 61

    Hi everyone. Been a while since I been on here. I have an issue with the ABS off light coming on once you drive about 5 meters. I have done the ABS error code retrieval thing and it comes up with error 61 - that is a "Pump motor relay circuit fault" Can anyone give me pointers on how i can...
  17. S

    Shaking engine - plugs?

    Thanks everyone for their help!! The car is back to its original self after replacing the coil pack - wasn't hard at all :) Although the car does shake slighty - it use to before, not that much though, i thought maybe a tune up might smooth it out a bit? thanks again for everbodys help. No...
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    Shaking engine - plugs?

    Thanks 88greenVN and VSIIBerlinaL67. I did that and found it is the middle coil pack (i.e. 2 and 5) that the car still starts on. the others when I disconnect it the car starts briefly then shuts down. How hard is it to replace them? do i just need a single coil pack? Has anyone got a link...
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    Shaking engine - plugs?

    Thanks, i sent you a PM about it also just saying "I went to do it - as soon as i disconnect 1 go to start car it starts shakes even worse than it was before for about 1second then the car clonked out ??" Didn't sound very good at all should I keep trying with the others and see what happens ?
  20. S

    Shaking engine - plugs?

    Thanks mate, im a bit of a noob, only could change the leads n spark plugs with my old mans help. Do you mean just disconnect one ignition lead at a time i.e. lead 1 then start car see if it has stoped? if not reconnect 1 and disconnect 2 and start car again? e.t.c. thanks for your help.
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    Shaking engine - plugs?

    VSIIBerlinaL67: I checked the exhaust it comes out as if it is putting (if that makes sense, like a dirt bike almost) I changed the sparks (they were black as - pretty fuc#ed, so it was good to at least have them changed) and leads and it still does it. After changing them I looked at the...
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    Shaking engine - plugs?

    Its done around 220,000 ~ 230,000 Km. I might try replacing the leads n plugs (seen as though i don't know when they were replaced last they are probably due for it anyway). Won't have the money until next week anyway so it will be sitting in the driveway until then. How much do new leads n...
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    Shaking engine - plugs?

    P.s. forgot to add it does the shaking even on idle now - as soon as the car is started it does it - just does it worse if i try to drive it
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    Shaking engine - plugs?

    UPDATE: Shaking engine - plugs: no, tensioner? maybe? Hi, As the title states my engine in my Commodore VS series II (97) is shaking horribly. i have had the same feeling when I use to own a SSS and I think i blew a valve (when I was young and driving like a d!ckhead - long time ago), could...
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    Temperature gauge issue/ thermostat or sender ?

    Thanks Classifi3d Calais and Harvs82. I did what Classifi3d Calais said about giving the dash a good whack and fiddled around with what Harvs82 said with the wire going into the temperature sender, left the car running for 5mins and the temperature gauge has now moved to the first little...
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    Temperature gauge issue/ thermostat or sender ?

    Hi all, Bit of a nob so be easy .. :bow: Basically my problem is the temp gauge in the dash does not move at all, sits exactly where it is when the car is off as when it is on, even after driving 30mins. I wasn't to sure if this would be related to the thermostat or the (no idea what it...