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  1. V

    VP Dash loom swap

    I was wondering if anyone had a quick guide on swapping out the base dash loom in a vp for the calais spec one I have both the loom and its 2 control modules Just not sure how to change it over nor how to keep the radio surround wiring intact is that a seperate loom to the window control...
  2. V

    VN upgrades.

    Not doing a restoration, I just have a junked bt1 with a pile of decent parts and I'm going to build a different car with those parts
  3. V

    VN upgrades.

    Wasn't really planning on stiffening the interior, more padding the existing hard plastics in softer vinyl. Has a number of police options on it, lsd, 3 bay dome light, country pack suspension, bashplate, vinyl flooring and finally, the original bill of sale marking it as being sold to the...
  4. V

    VN upgrades.

    Hello, I'm new here, I've recently purchased my mums old ex-police VP and I am going to buy a late VN to fit it's parts into because the shell is irreparably damaged, cracked welds and significant pillar corrosion. I would like to ask if any of you fine people could think of any moderate safety...