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  1. J

    stop thieves

    .... As long as its not goin off everynight i'd be glad for my neighbour to hav one set up. Lets the whole street,block,suburb know theres a prowler around the area.
  2. J

    Comments this is your transmission has karked it

    So a mate can sell me a box for 200, next cheapest at a wrecker thats alright is 275changeover. most are 300,350 up to 450. to take the old one out n put in 1 I supply starts at 200 average 250-300. Changeover for a rebuilt 1800-2000, TransDiff in Kilsyth sound the best around here, changeover...
  3. J

    Comments this is your transmission has karked it

    Its a 92 vp v6 3.8ltr exec sedan, Im commin to the realisation that its the clutch pack gone. so rebuilt or changeover. Need cheap but good 2nd hand or cheap but good LOL rebuild in eastern subs melb- box hill nunnawading.
  4. J

    Comments this is your transmission has karked it

    2days ago I heard a clunk reversing into my driveway. The next day the auto wouldn't change into 3rd. Know newhere to get a cheap 4L60 in eastern suburbs?
  5. J

    How many K's has your car done?

    92vp v6 -=169,000km=- 20p/a
  6. J

    92 VP Transmission Won't Change Into 3rd

    Righto so it's a 92 vp v6 AUTO round 170,000km on the clock i've had it for 30,000km now. For the last few months when I look under the car, from under the transmission theres just red trans fluid everywhere n then under the trans sump its dripping all around where it seals. I check the fluid...