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  1. L

    Pro's and Con's of extractors on v6 commodores ?

    will the money to get it done be worth the power gain ? is it anything substantial ?
  2. L

    Pro's and Con's of extractors on v6 commodores ?

    Was just after some advice from some people with a little more knowledge than myself I have a 2006 vz acclaim v6, It has a 2 and a half inch catback system, but i am interested in doing the extractors and was wondering on information such as, is it worth it ? power gain ? better sounding ? do...
  3. L

    Will 19' VE SSV Rims fit a VZ Acclaim / What tyers ?

    Just wondering what kind of work needs to be done to fit VE SSv wheels to my VZ acclaim ? I know they need to be machined, is there any other problems that are associated with putting ve wheels on a vz ? Also my car is lowered all on king spring super lows, will i have any scrubbing issues...
  4. L

    sent you a message, dunno if you got it or not. but yeah let me know cheers mate

    sent you a message, dunno if you got it or not. but yeah let me know cheers mate
  5. L

    Does anyone have pictures of a VZ on kingy SSL's

    damn, okay thanks for your help
  6. L

    hey mate are you still selling your VE SSV 19' rims ? if you are then i am very interested in...

    hey mate are you still selling your VE SSV 19' rims ? if you are then i am very interested in buying them get back to me
  7. L

    Does anyone have pictures of a VZ on kingy SSL's

    that looks absolutely awesome ! mint car do you know if it is legal, or 100mm off the ground at lowest point of the car ?
  8. L

    Does anyone have pictures of a VZ on kingy SSL's

    Have a stock VZ acclaim and really wanting to lower it and just wondering if anyone has pictures of a vz on SSL's in the rear as i am very sceptical of whether it will be legal or not. Planning on putting SSL's in the rear and SL's in the front. thoughts ?
  9. L

    How low can i go ?

    yeah just checked them out, deffinately feeling the Vz tail lights, would set it off. and also what kind of exhausr you guys recomend i put on ? not to concerned with power, want a quality sound though, and of course dual tips
  10. L

    How low can i go ?

    yeah iv already got my windows tinted dark black. i got the bluish color commodore, and im thinking of either putting on VE SSV wheels or VE supersports ( if i can afford ) and then white walling them aswell, and then tinting the rear tail lights to match. thoughts ?
  11. L

    How low can i go ?

    yeah well i guess i can just chuck them in and see how they go. your calalias looks ####ing mint anyways. but also saying that mine is a vz and yours is a vt, so yeah guess il just have to wait and see
  12. L

    How low can i go ?

    any change to suspension not legal ? are you serious mate. as long as its a coke can off the ground its legal.
  13. L

    How low can i go ?

    far out lower in the rear, would look pretty sweet though, i dont want to go too low at the moment becuase im only rolling on the stock standard 15" alloys currently. what you think about putting black wheels on my car, i have the bluish greyish colur of the acclaim ?
  14. L

    How low can i go ?

    car looks mega sweet as well ! might consider getting those wheels to, either those or 20' super sports.
  15. L

    How low can i go ?

    okay well thats good to know, hopefully going in some time next week, then the rims. you got your guards rolled, or going to ?
  16. L

    Need advice for lowering my VZ Acclaim

    I have a 2006 VZ acclaim. just starting to modify it. got a quote for springs and shortened shoskcs. Just wondering to those who have thorough knowledge as i have heard many different answers, WILL my car be LEGAL if i have SL king springs up front and SSL king springs on rears ? also planning...
  17. L

    How low can i go ?

    I have a 2006 VZ acclaim. just starting to modify it. got a quote for springs and shortened shoskcs. Just wondering to those who have thorough knowledge as i have heard many different answers, WILL my car be LEGAL if i have SL king springs up front and SSL king springs on rears ? also planning...