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  1. Wozza

    Re: Sanding key fob contact question

    Another thing to check is the barrel for wear. as you turn the key to start, the key is slightly pulled into the reader/slip ring this done by a pin in a angled grove inside the ignition barrel
  2. Wozza

    Scan tool info

    I use this setup https://forums.justcommodores.com.au/threads/aldl-diagnostic-cables-engine-diagnostics-vr-vs-vt-vx-vy-vz.243035/ the links in the thread are old so go here https://www.envyouscustoms.com/product/aldl-cable/ you can use the cable with other software but the software from envyous...
  3. Wozza

    Running water noise behind dash

    Bleed bucket isnt needed on VR VS (prob wont work well as the rad is low) they have a air bleed fitting in top of the thermostat housing,You get car to operating temp then open the brass flat head bolt you will hear the air hiss out when it stops tighten screw wait a few min and repeat,do this...
  4. Wozza

    VR SS Drivers Door Actuator Troubleshooting

    If you grab one of these to remove the pinion https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/176475982089 the rest is easy to pull down.. also you should test the motor out of the circuit..the black residue may just be carbon brush material and is very common in and around these motors...Slot car tracks run high...
  5. Wozza

    VR SS Drivers Door Actuator Troubleshooting

    Hmmm looks like a standard mabuchi hobby motor https://www.jaycar.com.au/2-shaft-universal-motor-gearbox-set/p/YG2742 you will have to find out what the voltage is and its torque output, the one in the link is only 3 volts also the motors are rebuild able if the commutator is ok should be...
  6. Wozza

    Error codes

    Earth mod been done?...hmm just done a quick search and looks like mod is for running rich...other issue is a leaking inlet gasket fouling o2 sensor when coolant is processed through the combustion chamber ;)
  7. Wozza

    VR s2 1994 transmission bolt to a ecotec

    series 2 VR made after 11/94 had the 95 trans in them, which was also fitted to the earlier VS
  8. Wozza

    VR 6 heater core flush

    https://forums.justcommodores.com.au/threads/ecotec-coolant-flow-diagram.293925/ same...ish for VR 2nd post 2nd picture fig C
  9. Wozza

    What did you do to your VR/VS today?

    No.....but Im seeing a growing movement to have led headlights banned..I personally think they are a bad idea for low beam apps but a great idea for high beam..yeah I know Im a walking contradiction :D
  10. Wozza

    Miss under load light throttle

    Only thing you haven't replaced is the CAS...you could try the cold water test..pour cold water over the cas and if it comes good thats the issue..the other thing is the ECU could be flaky you could try pulling it out(disco battery first) pulling the cables, give em a clean ect, or find a donner...
  11. Wozza

    Long, high idle warmup during cold start

    If there is an issue you would be better off using a diagnostic lead and software to see whats going on when warming up than trying to replace parts ect. I recommend the aldl cable and software from envyous customs. https://www.envyouscustoms.com/product/aldl-cable/ you will need a laptop and...
  12. Wozza

    Long, high idle warmup during cold start

    Yup Id say normal...my VZ is about the same on real cold days....meh dont worry about it its a VR if it starts drive it like ya stole it ;)
  13. Wozza

    What did you do to your VR/VS today?

    Woose :)..... I moded my Ducati exhaust with mig and a tig (I suck at welding btw :) )
  14. Wozza

    VR VS Calais fog lights bezel cut out

    remove the reo bar makes it easier in the long run...they dont fit snug in the cut out they more or less peek out from afar lol
  15. Wozza

    Vr starting issue

    The key is pulled inwards as you turn it to start, this allows the nipple on the key fob to contact the metal strips around the key barrel..Over time the key barrel wears out and the slop stops the key making contact with the strips.(also the strips can be spun around or pushed in also stopping...
  16. Wozza

    What did you do to your VR/VS today?

    just be happy they didnt fill it with hotglue :D
  17. Wozza

    Changing l2 dash to l3 dash wiring

    A patch loom is the easiest way to go, but they are pretty rare these days..this thread has all the info if you wanna have a go at it https://forums.justcommodores.com.au/threads/tripin.994/
  18. Wozza

    Stuffed Washer Bottle.Vs Commodore.

    my quick fix https://forums.justcommodores.com.au/threads/30-years-old-i-know-but.297319/page-2#post-3311209
  19. Wozza

    Coolant leaking

    a cut and join with heater hose ? did mine 8years ago and still holding see pics in this thread https://forums.justcommodores.com.au/threads/heater-core-on-vs.10470/
  20. Wozza

    VR wheel bearing hubs

    not in this case LOL...
  21. Wozza

    timing chain rattle?

    Could also be balancer going or little ends,piston slap rattle :) balancer easy to check run without belt, check rubber for cracks...chain or other maybe a stethoscope or screwdriver in the ear(pointy end at the motor :) ) to locate area of noise...
  22. Wozza

    I need help with my VR commodore please

    yeah me to.... well only 3 and only 1 tested bad(the original) off the car and no code 19 20 21 ...ended up being the loom to the TB, the mount/suppport on firewall had rotted/broke and allowed loom to dangle supported only by the plugs and tiny pins at the TB(its gets worse if engine mounts are...
  23. Wozza

    I need help with my VR commodore please

    Code 33 - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor (MAP) high voltage Code 36 - Vacuum Leak Code 82 - 1-2 Shift Solenoid “A” Fault - Auto Transmission Only check the loom at the trans clean the plug at the trans...I dont think the tps would cause the issue you have reported but its cheap and does...
  24. Wozza

    Ecotec Swap running off VR ECU

    The VX had a EGR setup which the VR and even the vs didnt have.
  25. Wozza

    VR 1994

    The metal ring on the ignition barrel gets pushed in or damaged, the little metal knob on the key wont make contact..to check hold down the door unlook button as you turn the key to start..thats assuming its not cranking.....
  26. Wozza

    VR Knocking noise but not engine

    flex plate loose or cracked(if auto) balance shaft rear bearings are rooted
  27. Wozza

    Harmonic balancer not coming off

    the threads are on the rear face of the balancer the bolts go through the middle of the slots to the threaded holes.....well they did on mine :)
  28. Wozza

    VS wagon height with sl springs

    Panhard rod will help... also check the coil spring insulators they come in different size heights and can compress over time...
  29. Wozza

    VS wagon height with sl springs

    Common issue with live axle rear commodores ..basic things to look at...is ground perfectly flat(try measuring at a garage),if lowered spring does it have an adjustable pan hard rod and is it adjusted correctly,front drivers side spring sagged,fuel tank location and level......heights are...
  30. Wozza

    30 Years Old I know... BUT!!!

    Nah it never rains lol ....beside its done 0 kays since dec 2020
  31. Wozza

    30 Years Old I know... BUT!!!

    hehe my temp water washer setup...hoping someone comes up with factory fresh one...no way Im paying $250 for a used one
  32. Wozza

    95 vs ss crank angle sensor location

    Um I dont think they have one on the 5ltr...isnt it a distributor and hall effect type of thing ? That said I never owned a v8..... well ok I have a 351 in a ummm arrrrr XC ford but yeah pretty sure no CAS :)
  33. Wozza

    VR Buick

    If your lucky the sticker on the trans is still readable.looking under bonnet/hood,passenger side of trans bell housing.. 4hdd is early, 5hdd is the later model
  34. Wozza

    Engines takes a bit too long to return to idle

    Its a forum there is very rarely a outcome...vs-lover is a smart man, he will either find the scant info helpful or he will have already been down that road...
  35. Wozza

    Engines takes a bit too long to return to idle

  36. Wozza

    ABS module serial numbers

    Well that didnt work ...at least it didnt fry anything :) Oh well.... thinking of offloading this thing and dragging the VR out of storage, no airbag,abs or freds to contend with lol
  37. Wozza

    ABS module serial numbers

    Thank you for the info much appreciated
  38. Wozza

    ABS module serial numbers

    Well that didnt work...still have an error...anyone know of diag software or dongle/unit that checks abs faults? prob help to know whats failed rather than play throw parts at it an see what sticks thanks ps also found this...
  39. Wozza

    ABS module serial numbers

    Thanks but its a USA site and vin # no workie ...Ive just brought one from ebay its from the same year model, is a no traction control model and most of the numbers match :) so will bung it in and see what happens..Holden have no more stock and are not bringing any more in. So its second hand...