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  1. B

    Vacuum Hose Diagram for VX V6

    Hey guys ive just put a brand new delphi fuel pump in my vt v6. Ever since it has been surging and stalling at idle and under low throttle. And the weirdest thing is it keeps blowing off the vacuum hose that goes under the throttle body. And when it does that it runs ok? Any ideas? Cheers in advance
  2. B

    Very rough idle, vacuum hose diagram?

    This Hi thanks for posting this. I have just replaced my fuel pump and ever since it is surging and stalling at idle and under light throttle and keeps blowing off this hose, and when it does it doesn't stall or surge with the vacuum hose off? Any ideas on that? Cheers in advance
  3. B

    **** Commodore Drivers Never Say.

    I put the interceptors on the back cause it looks kool I really cant see over the steering wheel with my seat so low and back Nah m8 I cant drive Ive had too much to drink
  4. B

    lacking breaking power.

    Hey, When you brake hard the fronts will always lock up under normal circumstances on a vn/vp. They have a 60-40 front/rear bias. If the pedal is firm and does not sink down when held on all is well. Cheers
  5. B

    1998 VT calais Front tyre move left right by hand

    Sounds like a wheel bearing m8. Cheers
  6. B

    VUII SS ute, engine missing, temp gauge going crazy...

    Have you recently changed the coolant? Mite have a air lock?? Which can effect the idle.. Goodluck m8. Cheers
  7. B

    Interior lights not working & a high pitched whine when i turn on the headlights??

    Sounds like you got a bad earth somewhere. Check ya earth wires. Good luck Cheers
  8. B

    Series 1 engine wiring loom, series 2 engine wiring loom

    Hi Daniel, I would have thought BCM, Do the numbers match on the BCM's? Thats a tricky one 4 sure.
  9. B

    RB30E Performance chip

    you can bump the rb30 n/a up to 20 degrees advanced but run premium in her or she wont be happy
  10. B

    What makes your car beautiful?

    the tint on the windows, the super super low springs, the smell of the interior. and the knowledge that you've done all the hard work on her. And the fact that its Australian MADE! Its a Commodore.