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  1. Hazzard Yellow Clubby

    HSV Rear Brakes

    I havent bought the rims yet, I want to know if anyone has modified there rear brakes so they will fit, so i can buy them.
  2. Hazzard Yellow Clubby

    HSV Rear Brakes

    they do fit on a standard rear, but my question is can i put standard brakes on my diff so they will fit.
  3. Hazzard Yellow Clubby

    HSV Rear Brakes

    Correct, hence stating deep dish, and they dont fit because of the original big brakes, thats why i asked has anyone put smaller brakes from a v6 commodore on the rear so I can put deep dish on.
  4. Hazzard Yellow Clubby

    HSV Rear Brakes

    20 x10s on the rear.
  5. Hazzard Yellow Clubby

    HSV Rear Brakes

    20 x 10s but deep dish
  6. Hazzard Yellow Clubby

    HSV Rear Brakes

    No No im thinking about v6 brakes instead of hsv, Because you can put deep dish on a standard commodore.
  7. Hazzard Yellow Clubby

    HSV Rear Brakes

    No more moden rims than that.
  8. Hazzard Yellow Clubby

    HSV Rear Brakes

    Hi All. I am wanting to put Deep Dish Rims on my VE HSV R8 Clubsport, As we all know this cannot be done with the big brakes. Has anyone down graded their rear Rotors and Calipers to smaller ones So you can put Deep Dish Rims on the Back. There must be a way to do this, without spending a ****...