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  1. shedevil666

    Vs 355 stroker

    If anything gilemers will run the battery and alternator dead before anything, it's literally got me stumped as to why it's doing what it is, honestly thinking of getting rid of it to get something different
  2. shedevil666

    Vs 355 stroker

    Will do this over the wkend, away for work atm cheers mate
  3. shedevil666

    Vs 355 stroker

    That's what I thought cheers man, gonna try that when I get home, let ya know how she goes
  4. shedevil666

    Vs 355 stroker

    Where is the IAC located lol ?
  5. shedevil666

    Vs 355 stroker

    Has Been tuned, everything was running really good up until about a month ago now it starts idles till the revs die down then just stops ✋
  6. shedevil666

    Vs 355 stroker

    Will send some through over the wkend ;)
  7. shedevil666

    Vs 355 stroker

    Has been tuned, was running mint up until about 3 weeks ago, then just started doing this while driving and now just at idle won't stay started.
  8. shedevil666

    Vs 355 stroker

    Didn't even think of that lol will do
  9. shedevil666

    Vs 355 stroker

    Hey guys and girls, Little help please? Vs 304 to 355 stroker with gilmers ,starts, idles untill the revs drop then just cuts out and dies, Have been able to drive it however not very far before it cuts out. Have checked every breather hose line etc to no avail, just keeps cutting out...
  10. shedevil666

    Vs v6 wont start,

    it may be the coil packs or the plate under them which is commonly known to s##t itself
  11. shedevil666

    VR calais 5.0L into vr EXECUTIVE

    hey guys, I have done a conversion from 5.0l Calais to executive. I have the car started I have reds, and break lights but no head lights or tail lights ! ANY SUGGESTIONS PLEASE and the only thing I have un hooked is Neons that were on the car before I got it the switch on thee dash...
  12. shedevil666

    Vr calais 5ltr

    Hi, I have a 304 Vr Calais it is automatic, 2 days ago it was driving fine , I like to manually shift my gears. After taking her for a drive giving her a boot parking for 15 min then going to drive her again, she drives fine in drive, with all gears changing fine. If I manually shift from third...
  13. shedevil666

    Vr calais

    thanks heaps guys I shall let you no how it goes
  14. shedevil666

    Vr calais

    HEY people I have a 304 vr Calais and I haven't driven her for about 2 weeks, when I got in her to drive she drove well for a bit then just died .. breaks and steering did not go hard and it starts after it dies could this have something to do with the fuel pump, coil, dizzy :hmmm:or sensors ...
  15. shedevil666

    1995 Holden Calais

    shedevil666 submitted a new Showcase Item: 1995 Holden Calais Read more about this showcase item here...
  16. 1995 Holden Calais

    1995 Holden Calais

    304 fuel injected, stock, with gilmer drive.
  17. shedevil666

    1995 Holden Calais

    shedevil666 submitted a new Showcase Item: 1995 Holden Calais Read more about this showcase item here...
  18. 1995 Holden Calais

    1995 Holden Calais

    304 fuel injected, stock, with gilmer drive.
  19. shedevil666

    vs auto to manual

    got car running but reving at 5grand whats wrong ?????????????????///
  20. shedevil666

    vs auto to manual

    Inhibitor switch isnt in it has been replaced with override , ??????????
  21. shedevil666

    vs auto to manual

    Immobiliser has been fully taken out prior to coversion, tail shaft still is not connected up yet, so havent checked if clutch is jammed on, neutral switchhas been bridged properly and still nothing, ,,
  22. shedevil666

    vs auto to manual

    Already bridged it guys still nothing just reds all correct running gear too
  23. shedevil666

    vs auto to manual

    dosent turn over at all i ll let my bfriend no bout jacking it up and what does crash start mean ???
  24. shedevil666

    vs auto to manual

    hey guys my patner has just done a manual conversion from auto we have reds but for some reason it will not wind over please help :idea3::idea3::idea3::idea3::idea3::banstick::banstick::banstick:
  25. shedevil666

    vr calais 5ltr thermos

    that sounds like it could work lol but in the mean time we have taken the twins of and am currently running 1 15inch wich seems to be working as the battery hasnt gone flat again..kindly thanking you for your help
  26. shedevil666

    vr calais 5ltr thermos

    hey peeps my bfriend has just hooked up 2 12 inch thermos on my 5ltr calais he has put all power and earths threw a relay but after the thermos are run for not even 5seconds the car stops charging,we have dissconected the batery while the caris running it still runs, however if we then turn the...
  27. shedevil666

    Vr v6 buick ticking constantly

    oil pick up and pump .....................................................change them both.......................
  28. shedevil666

    Vs turbo conversion manual to auto

    HAHA GOOD ON YA BUDDY aint been watching **** lol so my partner thrashes the #### out of it it wasnt just the tailshaft that spat the whole gear box shifted to the drivers side of the car ####s me how he done it but he only had the gear knob in his hand when he came to a stop,, the gear changer...
  29. shedevil666

    Engine fuse keeps blowing

  30. shedevil666

    Vs turbo conversion manual to auto

    Dose any one no why it would be blowing the engine fuse when gearing down to first
  31. shedevil666

    Vs turbo conversion manual to auto

    Well its like this .last week my partner got the vs running absolutly beautiful, chirpin first second and yeah the male things in a car lol.anyways after this he was driving normally out of the woolworths car park and the next thing you no the tailshaft spat away from the gearbox and the gear...
  32. shedevil666

    vs commodore turbo

    Vs turbo conversion :bomb: Well its like this .last week my partner got the vs running absolutly beautiful, chirpin first second and yeah the male things in a car lol.anyways after this he was driving normally out of the woolworths car park and the next thing you no the tailshaft spat away from...
  33. shedevil666

    sluggish vn calais 5 litre

    Straight threw 3inch pipe .... Worked for my vr calais 5.0 and it had twin 2.5 inch exhaust and ran quiet sluggish also until I put new straight threw pipe and now she halls
  34. shedevil666

    vr calais 5.0L

    sTopped after oil change and sub change Heya peeps I got my series 2 vr calais, decided to do oil change in both transmission and motor, also put a new 1200w sub in too. After the oil change and every thing was done went to take it for a drive it had flat battery, got jumper pack out it started...
  35. shedevil666

    vs commodore turbo

    coughing and splatter hey peepz got the turb re piped and now when i try and up the boost or put my foot flat it coughs and splatters backfires and carry on,, any ideas???
  36. shedevil666

    vs commodore turbo

    cheers,, will let you no how we go
  37. shedevil666

    vs commodore turbo

    oil problem solved (new dipstick), as for turbo, the turbine wheel is spinning for bout five min and then warms up and stops. going to get new boost gauge to see if he is getting boost but pretty sure turbo sounds like its not spooling up ,,
  38. shedevil666

    doesnt start

    starter motor