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  1. luke_abl

    VE SERIES 1 to SERIES 2 Airbag Conversion

    The original didn't deploy, the centre badge was just ruined. I did a look to see if you could replace them without messing up the airbag and no luck there so decided to change it over
  2. luke_abl

    VE SERIES 1 to SERIES 2 Airbag Conversion

    That's what I ended up doing, spent the money and got myself a series 2 airbag, figured it was probably best to leave it alone as you mentioned.
  3. luke_abl

    VE SERIES 1 to SERIES 2 Airbag Conversion

    Hey everyone, first time posting so ignore any mistakes. I've been looking at replacing my airbag on my series 2 ve ute and one of my mates gifted me a series 1 airbag, however the connectors obviously don't match up, and I was wondering if it is possible to swap the clock spring from a series 2...