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  1. Firey Demon

    Replacing rear end bushes on a VH wagon

    Looking at replacing the upper and lower trailing arms, panhard, swaybar links
  2. Firey Demon

    1982 Holden Commodore

    Firey Demon submitted a new Showcase Item: 1982 Holden Commodore Read more about this showcase item here...
  3. 1982 Holden Commodore

    1982 Holden Commodore

    1982 Holden Commodore
  4. Firey Demon

    Replacing rear end bushes on a VH wagon

    No... Can it be done without one? If not is it something I could hire?
  5. Firey Demon

    Replacing rear end bushes on a VH wagon

    Replacing the bushes on the rear end of my VH wagon. First time doing this. Any tips, tricks, Do's or Dont's that will help me along my way?
  6. Firey Demon

    Did you get a new front indicator for your wagon? Mine fell off a while back too. Got a new set...

    Did you get a new front indicator for your wagon? Mine fell off a while back too. Got a new set of lights and indicators from KCspares on trademe but the indicators are clear.... If you want you can have my old orange indicator, looks better than going to the semi clear ones.
  7. Firey Demon

    202 carby to 202 efi

    I have a complete EFI 202 to swap out for my blue 202. Thinking of going with a megasquirt option for ECU.... anyone had much to do with those?
  8. Firey Demon

    202 carby to 202 efi

    Dont worry, got all the info I needed from Darren_L's reply to the thread regarding a 5.0Ltr conversion.
  9. Firey Demon

    202 carby to 202 efi

    Whats needed to do this conversion. Also how much upgrading can I do before the factory ecu becomes to crap to run it all? Yes I know there are better conversions that I can do that will give me more bang for my buck but love the old 202's.
  10. Firey Demon

    Broken vacuum tree

    Yea I did it good n proper.... flush with the manifold.
  11. Firey Demon

    Broken vacuum tree

    Was putting on a set of extractors on a blue 202 and managed to break the vacuum tree to the brake booster from the inlet manifold... any ideas on how to remove the stub from in the manifold?
  12. Firey Demon

    Headlight issue. VH commodore wagon.

    Went down to an Auto sparky and it was a quick fix.... gave me a new Relay and bam!!! lights turn on and off when they should lol. Guy at one parts shop told me they dont make that relay anymore, which is true, they make a newer improved version, but the same kind of relay lol
  13. Firey Demon

    Headlight issue. VH commodore wagon.

    Thanks for the input man. Trying to do as much as possible myself, with a lil guidance of course lol. Dash lights werent working and got lucky yesterday, pulled out a bunch of wires that must of been going to spotlights that were on the car in the past. Somehow I now have working dash lights lol
  14. Firey Demon

    Headlight issue. VH commodore wagon.

    At the moment my headlights wont turn off unless I disconnect the battery. It works as a pretty sweet immobilizer but is getting a tad annoying too. When I reconnect the battery sometimes they stay off untill I start the car or if the bonnet closes with a solid thud. I think I traced it back to...