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  1. S

    2000 VT V6 flasher stuck on with very high frequency after BCM replacement

    G'day, Im having a fairly unusual problem with my 2000 VT V6 commodore. The car's keys have been lost a while ago and now I have started to attack the problem. I have bought an ignition barrel and locks off ebay aswell as BCM and keyfob that will be compatable. The battery was dead flat, then I...
  2. S

    Very rough idle, vacuum hose diagram?

    gday all, i just swaped the heads on my 98 vt and now it has a very rough idle, i have to keep on feathering the throttle just to warm it up. still has good compression. im preaty sure its the sensor on the back of the left head. it has a small diameter soft hose that comes off it and a larger...
  3. S

    Swapping VT Heads

    G'day all. Ive been trolling this site allot recently and have found it to be very usefull, so thankyou. ive never worked on an engine like the gm ecotec v6 as my background is in bikes with over head cams, or double over head cams. anyway to the point, i have a 1988 hilux 4x4 that i am...