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  1. Lotmitofreden

    Opel's Senator... Benz Beater?

    Hi! Just got my hands on this nice litte article from 1978 in "Wheels". The editor had the chance to ride in the new Senator with an outlook on what the new Commodore VB would be like. Never mind the german translation :blah blah: ;-) BG, Lotmitofreden Opel's Senator... Benz Beater? -...
  2. Lotmitofreden

    Opel Commodore C

    Some Pics of my Opel Commodore C. Greetings from Germany.
  3. Lotmitofreden

    Hi there, I have put together a couple of additional intformation about the Commodore C on my...

    Hi there, I have put together a couple of additional intformation about the Commodore C on my Website Opel Commodore C - Opel Commodore C. Unfortunately it is all in german, but maybe you're still interested. Best regards, Lotmitofreden