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  1. T

    Complete VN,VP,VR,VS,VQ,VG Headunit Guide [56k warning]

    Anyone know what the rubbers are called in the centre console that the 2 plastic lugs from the stereo surround sit in??
  2. T

    VN/VP window module auto down

    It seems like there is a timer on the auto down function that starts when I start the car as I get like 10 seconds before it times out and only goes down in a short bursts whenever I press or hold the down button. I'm going to try a different module once it arrives.
  3. T

    VS Series II 5 Litre Berlina Wagon

    Very nice mate
  4. T

    VN/VP window module auto down

    Hi I have done the VN power window module install on my vs. everything works properly when accessories are on but when car is started the auto down feature doesn't work, the driver's window does go down but in short bursts everytime you press the button.