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  1. W

    Wm statesman v6 2006 transmission gearbox

    My gearbox 5 speed has stopped working (gears won’t grab just revs out) where would I find a new gearbox or what one will go into it? And how much would it be?
  2. W

    Wm statesman 2006 v6 alloytec overheating

    My wm statesman started over heating a while ago but it has something to do with the heater and he disconnected it and made it loop back around. Then for months it drove and went to put in coolant for service and the cap broke so I replaced the cap because it was over heating in the reservoir...
  3. W

    Wm creaking suspension.

    My car rattles over bumps and pulls to the left would that be the same problem you had
  4. W

    Wm statesman 2006

    I recently bought a statesman wm 2006 auto v6 and the suspension or something rattles when driving over bumps on the road was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and fixed it. Also the car ticks in the centre where the air con blows from and then stops and only happens when turning...