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  1. B

    whats this thing in my ute

    oh nice, thats pretty cool. Cheers!
  2. B

    whats this thing in my ute

    Hi guys pretty new to commodores and was doing the brakes on my VU when I noticed this 'thing' mounted under the tray. Seems to have hardlines that go to the brakes and also connects by a wire to the subframe. Im guessing it has something to do with sensing the ute being loaded up or towing but...
  3. B

    options for small storage in ute?

    these are some good ass ideas thanks man!
  4. B

    options for small storage in ute?

    Looking to work out some ways to store smaller things in my vu ute without having them just floating around while driving. What have people done for this? Things that are too small to be tied down. Any sort of smaller boxes or something like that?