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  1. Nightmare Ute

    How does this car run.

    So i bought the car 3 years ago ive within a month i had the car serviced to have the oil pick up cleaned because i was getting a low warning light since then ive changed the oil every 3000-5000 kms mostly because i had a leak and the oil always seemed super dark. Ontop of that ive had the log...
  2. Nightmare Ute

    How does this car run.

  3. Nightmare Ute

    How does this car run.

    So only recently has the old vz starting playing up. (Excelerating and have no power. Feeling like its going to stall when idling) starting some times or not at all. I had a mechanic check it out today and there apparently were no fault colds and the battery was fine. I made him double check...