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  1. Invader

    secret menu

    Thank you Rob. So, to check for 'real' DTCs, I need a proper OBD2 device plugged into the port under the column and you're my uncle? We have a Bosch KTS at work, I'll give it a go. I have spotted since posting that you have your own reserved table in 'The Pub' so I will post any further...
  2. Invader

    157,893 Holdens Missing

    Would any Apollos have Holden VINS or were they all Toyota built?
  3. Invader

    secret menu

    Hi guys Okay, managed to get the diagnostic panels to light up as in Doctor Bob's splendid guide but I am getting 't 00 nu' as a fault code. Now, as this is my first post here and I'm in the UK, I'm not really in a position to pop into my Holden dealer (coz there aren't any) and ask them...