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  1. H

    1997 VT Series 1 Commodore Exec

    looks fully sik great work
  2. H

    car badges off

    u dont have to go on toll u can go around so u from west side y did u speed for thats bad
  3. H

    car badges off

    (thanx) live near kk meet up
  4. H

    car badges off

    lol yeah south east
  5. H

    car badges off

    yeah i mite i see
  6. H

    car badges off

    how can i see ur fully sick Commodore lol
  7. H

    car badges off

    its the e and the c half off (c)ommdor(e)
  8. H

    car badges off

    i still have not took it off yet coz im abit scared to do it my self lol looks like i just have to leave it untill someone can help hehe
  9. H

    car badges off

    no i dont have fake nails sorry lol dont wear big chucky rings to
  10. H

    car badges off

    i live near dandy
  11. H

    car badges off

    yes i do own the car well i live in south east (melb) sorry if i used swear words
  12. H

    car badges off

    well this is not a chicks thing only guys should do it looks like i just have to leave it on my car untill i find someone to do it for me (maybe a nice guys should help me ) hehe
  13. H

    car badges off

    lol wtf y would i just rip it off. i heat it up frist then i got my nails trying to take it off coz i did not have fishing line
  14. H

    car badges off

    i was trying to do it last night got a bit of the c and e off but i can see the paint comeing off thats y i have stop doing it coz i know i will fu ck it up more
  15. H

    car badges off

    lol thats only $4
  16. H

    car badges off

    i just want someone prifessionals to do it not me coz i know i will fu ck it up thats y im seeing if there is a place that can do it i ask holden they say they will do it for me for $50 but im not spending that sort of money for doing it is there any place would do it for me cheaper thanx
  17. H

    car badges off

    well i dont have any fishing line i start doing it befor with a hair dryer with my nails but i dont want to **** them up i took of half of the e off all ready
  18. H

    car badges off

    im a chick i dont think u see me doing it lol i done it once on my old vs and i ****ed it up like the paint come off i dont want to do it again on vz i wanna get someone to do it for me dose anyone know where i can get it done
  19. H

    car badges off

    lol im not doing it my self coz i mite **** it up
  20. H

    car badges off

    hey ppls i wanna know is there a place around south east that take off car bages off my car ( i dont want it to cost lots of money) to do it thanx
  21. H

    Kris's VS

    lol sorry but the 2 tone paint job looks abit **** look better with the car lowered i dont really like the wheels on the car sorry
  22. H

    Death of my VS (Picture Heavy)

    wow thats very bad u better not do it again
  23. H

    Just Commodore stickers - WHITE OR CHROME AVALIBLE NOW

    maybe i get my stickers from the market
  24. H

    James_yo7's VT S1 S-Pack

    ok looks good :w00t:
  25. H

    James_yo7's VT S1 S-Pack

    dont put it up? leave it down look better in the pics hehe
  26. H

    James_yo7's VT S1 S-Pack

    hey nice car bro looks fully sick love it nice and low lol
  27. H

    Kris's VS

    looks sick with blue lights
  28. H

    Service Engine Oil Message

    i had the same thing happend to my vz the other day now i just got it fix yesterday and i went to holden and they fix it its something to do with the computer it cost about $85 its not got nothing to to do with the oil its just the reset something on the computer.
  29. H

    VZ Commodore SRS airbag fault after Hail storm

    hey my srs (airbag) turns on when my car gose on and sometimes it stay's on for 10 sec then it turns it self off but dose not come on all the time
  30. H

    Buying an ex police VZ

    hey how do u know if its an ex cop car?
  31. H

    speaker thud

    im not that sure lol i dont no nothing about it
  32. H

    6.5" Speakers mounting

    whats good speakers for the back coz i need more bass ?
  33. H

    speaker thud

    how do u make loud bass i got amp and sub but its not that loud can someome help me
  34. H

    show us your painted console/dash

    so guys how do u paint the dash like that? i wanna do it to mine
  35. H

    Kris's VS

    nice car. i love the lights well done man...................
  36. H

    Bodykits and driving lights.

    im wondering my self too what kind of body kit for my vz too
  37. H

    My 2005 VZ Comm

    same here cant see lol
  38. H

    VZ door handle paint missing

    yeah they replaced them under warranty from holden