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  1. O

    alarm system

    If you have a boot switch in the glove box, take it apart and clean it out. Take a peice of very fine emery paper and clean the brass conection. When your alarm goes off open the door of your car and look at the secuirity light and it will flash in a sequence, like 3 shorts, or 4 shorts etc...
  2. O

    Teen chops off pe**s

    Makes me cringe reading that sort of stuff, just dont understand why any guy could even think a tiny thought of doin that! Thats the best part on us!!!!!!
  3. O

    Post Pictures of your VR/VS here.

    Me hsv clubbie :blah blah::blah blah::blah blah::blah blah::blah blah:
  4. O

    Types of people

    Trust a aussie to find a fault in a kiwi...LOL
  5. O

    Wife joke

    Two blokes fishing. First bloke says "My wife has not taked to me for 2 years o Im getting a devorce"..........Second block says "Mate, think about that abit more cause woman like that are hard to find!
  6. O

    Types of people

    There are 3 types of people in this world....Ones that can add.....And ones that carnt!!!!
  7. O

    I had to tap me fuel gauge the other day too bro. Holdens for ya. Its part of the interest...

    I had to tap me fuel gauge the other day too bro. Holdens for ya. Its part of the interest, wondering whats coming next
  8. O

    Oil for 5.0 Clubbie

    Hey all. About to do a oil change on my VS 5.0 Clubbie. Whats the best to use? Its done 170,000km. I drive it every day:wax:
  9. O

    Welcome to my profile. Hope you are having a crusie day. I am. Leave a note! Cheers partner in...

    Welcome to my profile. Hope you are having a crusie day. I am. Leave a note! Cheers partner in crime. Ha Ha Ha
  10. O

    Speakers - sub woofer vs 9 x 6 speakers

    I have a 02 vx wagon. Does anybody know what the stock speakers are in the front and rear doors?