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  1. forbidenss

    pontiac bonnet

    hey guys , just wondering what your thoughts on the pontiac bonnet is.. ive seen a few on hsv"s but none on ss. does any one have any pics. the grill on the ss is quite big compared to the hsv so would you have to get an insert aswell ?
  2. forbidenss

    coloured grill

    i am trying to make my black ve ss a bit different . i am thinking a bout breaking up the black grills mesh bits on the front an rear allso behind the indicators on the side with red mesh , has any one seen this done . and any idea's who i would go to to get it done ? any thoughts..
  3. forbidenss

    paint protection

    i have a 08 VE SS PHANTOM BLACK ... i am starting to notice fine swirls of scratches all over the paint work , i am using the mothers brand car wash .. does any one else have this problem with the paint .. does any one have the holden paint protection. is it worth doing
  4. forbidenss

    exhaust system

    Just wondering if anyone can help. just got myself an 08 ve ss , and want to modify the exhaust , but have been told by holden that any mods i do will void my new car warranty .. me being the 'rebel ' that i am are going to do it any way ! any suggestions..