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  1. vt_king

    Auto-magic Headlights (surveilance mode)

    Thanks for the advice, turns out It's an ex Telstra car and for some stupid reason they modify the computer so that the lights are always on? So after paying $100 and getting Holden to reset the computer's settings my opinion of the automatic headlight (now that they work) has changed & I think...
  2. vt_king

    VE SV6 Stock Outputs?

    Sweet thanks for the tip, looks like im off to Jaycar
  3. vt_king

    VE SV6 Stock Outputs?

    Is a line output converter the same thing or are they different? If so what is cheaper / better? Caché - cloc+d Product Page Thanks Holdenboy I will forget about the centre speaker, amp the splits and run the 6x9's off the head unit. Someone else mentioned in another thread that the VE's...
  4. vt_king

    VE SV6 Stock Outputs?

    Can anyone tell me about the outputs on a stock VE SV6 6 Stacker? I gather there is obviously a L&R Front and Rear outputs but how does the centre speaker fit in? Also Ive been tole there is no RCA output on them can someone confirm? The reason Im asking is that I still have Splits, Amps...
  5. vt_king

    Stock Speakers SV6

    Ive blown the center in mine so I have had to back it right off to the rear so I dont hear that shocking distorted ratteling noise too. The ony thing is when I take a phone call it uses the centre speaker making it a little hard to hear.
  6. vt_king

    VE Headunit to play Mp3 file

    I have an SV6 with the 6 stacker and it plays MP3's fine, I recon the salesman probably got away with saying that because of the aux input.
  7. vt_king

    Auto-magic Headlights (surveilance mode)

    That's exactly what Im saying I can't seem to tuern them off. During the day my parkers are on (when switch is on auto) and at night they are on. If I flick the switch over to off it does nothing? Is there something wrong with my car?
  8. vt_king

    Auto-magic Headlights (surveilance mode)

    Some people are saying they dont have a problem with them if they don't want them on they just turn them off? I have a VE SV6 can some one tell me is it possible to drive my car (on a sunny day) with my headlights off (completely)? Because my parkers are always on? Appart from that I dont...
  9. vt_king

    VE commodores - Flat batteries?

    I got a VE SV6 (2007) about 6 months ago and just the other day for the first time it was completly flat. One day it was working then over night it was dead, after the RAVC came out to charge it up for me he told me he had seen this many time in the VE range and it was an electrical fault in VEs...
  10. vt_king

    SV6 "Customise Options" not available

    yeah I am, that would be exactly what my problem is. Makes so much sence, now that I thinks about it I might have been able to access the options if I was pulled up at the lights but then when I take off it would dissapear and now let me back in. Thanks man, I feel a bit stupid now :thumbsup:
  11. vt_king

    SV6 "Customise Options" not available

    Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on a problem Im having with my SV6, havent had it long but when I flick throught the trip screen in front of me the first option I see is "Customise Options" and most of the time is says not available. Some time it say press enter and I can get into...
  12. vt_king

    Wanted GTS for Wedding Car

    Thanks for the advice, I'll give that a go :thumbsup:
  13. vt_king

    Wanted GTS for Wedding Car

    Hey Guys I'm looking for an E-Sereis GTS for my wedding in September this year (2009) in Melbourne. I would prefer it chauffeur driven if possible from Carrum Downs to Olinda then stay for an hour or so for photos and that's it. Willing to pay cash $$$, Contact Danny at [email protected]